Thanks for your interest in our short e-course on speaking with confidence. Over the coming days I’m going to cover a LOT of information; be sure to check our Sales Talk Page every day to see what “important” information we have. It’s also a good idea to set some time aside each day to read our posts and act on the information they contain.
Specifically, we’re going to talk about:
- The most common mistakes people make when speaking
- Why you should research your audience before making any type of speech or presentation
- How to clam your nerves – without resorting to drugs or alcohol!
- How to practice your delivery so you sound confident every time
- And a whole lot more besides!
Of course, if you want to get a head start on all this, I’ve put together a no-holes-barred manual that explains everything in detail. You can find out all about it here: [link to sales page].
So why is important to speak with confidence?
Put simply: When you don’t speak confidently, people won’t take you seriously. You see, lack of confidence is a sign of insecurity. This raises the question in peoples’ minds: What is he/she insecure about? They might then go on to ask: Are they lying? Are they stupid? Have they got something to hide?
The answers might be “nothing” to the first question and “no” to all the rest, but having given the wrong impression from the get-go, you’ll have one heck of a hill to climb to persuade them otherwise.
With the tools I’m going to equip you with over the coming days, you’ll be well on the way to speaking with confidence.
PS. I’ll cover some of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to speaking that will guarantee you come over as lacking in confidence. How many of them do you make?
Find out all about it HERE
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