NWAutoLink | Training & Resources

Feeling Nervous?

When it comes to dealing with nerves, some people reach for a liquor bottle or sedatives. This is not a good idea. You can easily become dependent on these substances, and that can lead to health issues down the road.

When it comes to dealing with nerves, it all comes down to having the right mindset. First of all, accept that it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous. Nervousness often comes from fear of the unknown, and you don’t know how people are going to respond to your speech or presentation.

It often helps to think of it as excitement rather than nervousness. You’re doing something new. It’s exciting. You don’t know how people are going to respond. Wow, let’s see what happens.

To calm yourself down, take deep breaths and breathe out slower than you breathe in. Take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then breathe out for at least twice as long as it took you to breathe in. Wait a few seconds then repeat. Do this for about fifteen minutes, and you’ll start to feel more relaxed.

Another way of overcoming nerves is to visualize people giving you a great response. In your mind, move forward to the end of your speech or presentation. Imagine the applause and standing ovation you’re going to get, or reading the positive write-up you’ll be getting on social media.
Finally: Fake it ’til you make it. Ask yourself how a confident person would handle this situation, then pretend you’re them.

Talk (confidently) soon!

PS. There’s still time to get a copy of my guide to speaking with confidence

Find out all about it HERE
