- 31 Sections
- 92 Lessons
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- How to Use the HIP Pocket Lesson Plans On-Line Training BundleThis information will help guide you through the Training Platform to get the most VALUE from it.2
- Words Matter – Positive & NegativeThe Words we use have meaning, to us and to our customers, let's make sure that we are using the right words.4
- Words Matter - Great PhrasesIt’s nice to have some great phrases or word tracks at your finger tips when talking with your customers.2
- Don’t Create the ObjectionI know this may sound strange, but it’s true. In a lot of cases the salesperson is the one that creates the objections themselves.3
- Overcoming Objections – Price ObjectionYour customers will almost always say something like this, or close to it. Like most reflex objections, this one is no different. It’s what they know.4
- Overcoming Objections – I’m Just LookingThe I'm Just Looking objection has been around for a long time, it's really NOT an objection, so don't make it one.2
- Overcoming Objections - Reflex ObjectionsReflex Objections are just that, the customer automatically says them as a reflex to what you said or are saying. They say them out of habit.4
- Overcoming Objections - What’s Your Best Price?What’s Your Best Price? How often do you hear that question, What’s your best price?3
- Assumptive Closing PhrasesAssumptive Close: also known as the presumptive close, in which the salesperson intentionally assumes that the prospect has already agreed to buy, and moves forward in the sales process.4
- Vehicle Walk a RoundBeing able to do a proper Vehicle Walk-a-round is essential to any salesperson. Not that you will do a full or complete walk-a-round with each customer, but to have the knowledge how to do it and the steps to do them needed information. Each walk-a-round or presentation should be tailored to each customers needs.1
- Trial ClosingWhy use Trial Closes? We need to start putting the final touches on our sale, make sure we didn’t miss anything that would prevent us from closing this deal.5
- Trade AppraisalsIt’s very Important to have the customer Not Only Present while you do the trade evaluation, but to Have the customer INVOLVED in the process.2
- The Discovery ProcessThe Discovery Process can cover several steps in the Sales Process, the main point is to gather enough information to know something about your customer, and what they are interested in buying from you.2
- Sold Line ClosingThe Sold Line Close is a closing technique and is part of the Assumptive Close Technique.1
- Presenting the NumbersWhen it comes to Presenting the Numbers you had better get it right, this step can either Make you Gross, or Kill it all together.2
- Activities Activities ActivitiesActivities, Activities, Activities, these are the Life Blood of a Dealership.3
- New Model OverviewProduct Knowledge on the New Vehicles that you sell is key to your success, being able to go over the New Model Features & Upgrades will assist you in selling more New.1
- Inventory WalkHow Often Should You Do a Daily Inventory Walk? You would think this one was a No Brainer right? Wrong…2
- Feature BenefitFor every Feature you have at least one benefit, and at times several more, learn the benefits.3
- Either/Or QuestionsThe definition of Either/Or is an expression used to indicate that there are only two options or that both of the two options are acceptable or equivalent. It gives the customer the option of selecting option 1, or option 2.3
- Cash DownCash is King (Still True Today) Always Hit the customer for money down if they are financing. It gives you a better chance of getting the deal done and holding gross. In a lot of cases the cash you get down is equal to the Gross you hold in that deal.4
- Role Playing the Phone ScriptBeing a Master of the Phone is a major fundamental skill that you will need to develop if you want to attain the 10% Achiever Level.2
- Ask for the SALEAsk for the Sale: This is one thing so many sales people have not learned, developed or are just afraid to do, Ask for the Sale.4
- Self Exam – Price TalkHow Often and When Do You Talk Price? Take a moment to truthfully examine how often and when are you talking about price with your customers. In order for you to see reality you must be honest here.3
- A Little FlexibleFlexible: This one word is Powerful in itself. What does it mean to the customer to be flexible in this situation, how will they perceive this statement?2
- Selling -vs- ClosingTelling is NOT Selling - You can not Tell Your Way to a Sale, you have to Sell Your Way to the Sale.2
- InvestigationInvestigation, or FACT Finding is another important step in the Sales Process. This is the point where you find out what the customers ultimate goal is for the day. Obviously we want it to be a Sale.3
- The Stages of Buying3
- BONUS SECTION: Training BoardsThis section is full of Training Boards for you to use. Download them, Print them Learn from them.2
- BONUS SECTION: Motivational & Inspirational BoardsThis section is full of Motivational & Inspirational Boards for you to use. Download them, Print them Learn from them.2
- BONUS SECTION: Audio Quick TipsThe Audio Quick Tips is a collection of Short, Quick & On-the-Fly Audio Lessons.12
- 31.1Audio Quick Tips – Lesson Plan
- 31.2Ask Questions5 Minutes
- 31.3The 1st Close of the Day5 Minutes
- 31.4Questions that Imply Dishonesty5 Minutes
- 31.5What is a Professional Sales Person?5 Minutes
- 31.6Don’t Practice5 Minutes
- 31.7The Final Objection5 Minutes
- 31.8The Market Be Damned5 Minutes
- 31.9Attitude, It’s Everything5 Minutes
- 31.10Remember5 Minutes
- 31.11Telling is Not Selling5 Minutes
- 31.12Keep Your Eye on the Ball5 Minutes
- Individual Lesson Plans
- Resource Guides
- Course Forms
- Audios
- Videos
- 31 – Training Sections
- 116 – Training Lessons
- Ongoing Updates to Lessons & Materials
- BONUS: 34 Auto Sales Quick Tips – Audio Course
- BONUS: Audio Quick Tips - Course EBook
- BONUS: Training Boards Section
- BONUS: Motivational & Inspirational Boards Section
- Instant Training at your Fingertips, all Lesson Plans are Printable
- Lifetime Access
Target audiences
- All Sales People
- Trainers
- Managers