“Grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.” John Ortberg
The standard definition of grit is “firmness of strength or spirit”. But really, the essence of grit is elusive and complex. It’s doubtful that an exact definition actually exists.
Grit is a combination of resilience and courage, boldness and resolve. It is a mindset of passion, perseverance, hope and strong self-belief.
Grit is a fierce determination to succeed. It’s when you bravely take the blows and setbacks that life deals you, defiantly pick yourself up and keep going. It’s believing in yourself and in your ability to succeed against all odds.
Psychology defines grit through two key components:
• The ability to adhere to long-term goals
• The ability to continue pursuing those goals despite adversity
Grit is an extremely attractive quality to have. People with grit stand out and give the impression that they are a race apart. Mahatma Gandhi is a classic real-life example. James Bond is a classic example of a gritty movie character.
But this book isn’t about how to become a babe magnet – although you may find it an added bonus! This book is about cultivating the quality of grit and achieving amazing success in your life.
Grit is not an innate trait we’re born with but a skill that can be learned and cultivated. This can be done through seven powerful strategies that will very quickly enable you to grow your grit.
This book will walk you through these seven proven steps that will enable you to develop lasting grit. The result will be life-changing.
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